jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Is education only a collection of knowledge?

To answer this cuestion we have to see which is the purpouse of education. On first instance the purpouse of learning ANYTHING is to do something new. When you learn to read, you realize what does you world around says, when you learn to count, you NOW can use money (just saying). I other words, learn something is to be able to deal with more situations, some of them are insignificant (lose some money), some are vital (save someone/self life).
Since we start on kindergarden we start to archive a pretty wide collection of knowledge, that´s for true, but as I said, it prepare us for incoming situations, some situations that are nowadays underrated like how to deal with the other people, how to handle you feelings in order to be immune to depression, how to be a good civil person (not that shit called civics and ethnics).

Education in a nutshell, make us harder, better... stronger.

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