jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

If you could learn everything you need by implanting a chip in your brain, would you do it?

If I could nowadays (at the age I am) I would be seriously tempted to do it. Just two little things stop me from doing it. The first one depends from the question above [...everything you need...] Who the hell can determine what I need?

Is well know that the chip can´t storage all the knowledge of the humanity (something cool according me) so What does "everything I need" means? Everything I am allowed to know? or Every "most common" knowledge? Just in the case I would storage all the knowledge of the world I would do it without thinking except because the next: The way of.

Whatever you live on your life is what determines what you are and what you do. If I since I were a child would have had the chip in my head I would not be the same, my science teacher Mr. Noe would never inspire me about science and the search for the truth. I would never feeled the same when reading something the first time, because I already would knew it. I would never meet my three best friends due the school is absurd since I know "everything I would need". I would never realise that I was too bad for Chermistry on the University or better than expected on all the branches of biology.

I consider myself the cold and courageous enough to insert a chip with all the knowledge of the world in my head and based on it, create some futuristic stuff (after all, I would knew everything), but each time I stop to think about it, I realise that I would not be the same at all, the way I´m pround to be.

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