jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

How do you imagine education will be like in 50 years?

In order to explain myself about how I imagine the futurue on education, first click on the image in the right side, appreciate it, feel it. Now realize that there is a little person in the center of the same. S/he can (apparently) see  the entire universe around; maybe a single hand movement would be enough to move the entire universe as s/he want. All the knowledge is there, on that "badass-computer-projector-classroom". Now answer the next question: What s/he can learn about?  S/he has the entire universe with that bad-ass technologic device but at the same time, s/he can´t learn anything from it.

The technology in excess is useless the most of the time. A small amount of it otherwise is very usefull, because you can now use you IMAGINATION, something underated nowadays.
A very stunning example of what I am talking about is the next:

Japan is the top country of robotics development with 40% of the robot´s patents worldwide (Is a lot for a too little country). Many of the technological devices used everyday were developed in Japan. Is a very economicaly stable country, (Japan has been proportionaly richer than USA since around 20-30 years ago) so is expected that they use top technology on the classrooms Isn´t? Well, actually they don´t use anything else than blackboard and chalk (yes, you are reading right, CHALK). Why? Because they want to students use their mind, their intelligence, to unleash all their potential.

So my augury to the incoming years is that the conscious  countries about the situation above are going to keep just the necessary amount of technology, and some others are going to waste a lot of money on technology in education due "technology is cool" (even if I don´t know how it works). And finally some other countries are not going to spend any money because they can´t affort it.


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